

Cute as a button
Posted by  Julien Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2017    0 Comments
Cute as a button

That's it, the day that all lovers are waiting fast approaching ! Valentine's Day will fill our hearts with a wave of romance and tenderness. Perhaps you have already organized everything: the exit to the restaurant, the nice gift or the small attention that you have realized yourself.

Because in the end, handmade gifts are not those that have the most value ? Knowing that the other has spent time to please us is not it the most precious gift? So this is the time to get started !

Valentines and Valentines, be attentive to what follows, like a Cupid of the web, I spotted some very decorative gift ideas. Take care of the dinner, I'll take care of the rest !

A floral decoration to melt his little heart

If you are looking for unusual ideas to express your attachment to your half, this decoration falls down! Original and romantic at will, it will certainly melt the heart of your beloved.

To achieve this composition you will need:
- a bouquet of fresh and / or artificial flowers (fresh is better)
- a pair of scissors,
- an adhesive tape of paint
- by Masking tape

First, tape the edges of the heart directly onto the wall. Cut out your flowers and stalks and arrange them harmoniously inside your heart. You will fix them to the wall with Masking tape. Finally, gently remove the tape.

Take a step back, the result is simply dazzling !

Realization of a wall decoration with flowers, heart-shaped, for Valentine's Day

One idea from Deavita

Link : https://deavita.fr/deco-de-fete/saint-valentin/decoration-saint-valentin-diy-fleurs/

A special pell-mell "memories" to freeze your moments of happiness

For this day to be beautiful, multiply the small details and great attentions. Collect photos of your most beautiful memories together and create a unique jumble. A simple and fast realization, to keep even after Valentine's Day !

Here are the steps of this DIY step by step:
1- Print 9 memories of your favorite moments in Polaroid format,
2- Take a stick about 50 cm, paint it of the color of your choice and hang 3 strings at different heights,
3- Cut out 3 paper triangles and with a small hole hook them to the string, tip down,
4- Attach the photos along the strings with masking tape for example,
5- Cut out a last piece of string, which you will fix on the stick, to hang everything.

Let your creativity and your love express yourself, your half will love it !

Realization of a pell-mell with pictures souvenirs for Valentine's Day

One idea from Homeyohmy
Link : //www.homeyohmy.com/diy-photo-wall-hanging/

Corks filled with love

If Valentine's Day is for some the opportunity to reveal their feelings, this DIY will be a breeze for all lovers of good wines. A good reason to combine usefulness with pleasure!

To make this heart-shaped crown, you will need:
- a piece of cardboard
- wine stoppers
- ribbon of the color of your choice

First, draw a heart on your cardboard and, when you are satisfied with the size and width, cut it out. Then, using a glue gun, glue the caps one by one to the cardboard. All you have to do is hang it on the wall with a ribbon.

Here is a gift that will find its place in any room of the house and that will fill the elected or the elected of your heart.

Realization of a crown with wine stoppers, heart-shaped, for Valentine's Day

One idea Layali LifeStyle

Link : https://layalilifestyle.com/tag/cork-heart/

A card to say "I love you" in a pretty way

Offering a card for Valentine's Day is a beautiful proof of love. It is also an opportunity to slip a few sweet little words to your partner, you know the ones you dare not always say.

To make this DIY, you will need canson paper of different colors, scissors and glue.

1. Start by folding a canson sheet in half to make a double-flap card.
2. Cut out your colored paper into hearts.
3. Fold the cores in half for a relief effect when pasted on the card.
4. Glue your hearts on the map on one piece to give relief.

Now to your pens !

 Realization of a map in relief with hearts, for Valentine's Day

One idea from Cbyclemence

Link : http://cbyclemence.com/diy-13-un-petit-dejeuner-de-saint-valentin/

Nos coups de cœur

The heart of Valentine's Day at Royal Art Palace

Our blog articles on the same topic: https://www.royalartpalace.com/en/blog/15_a-love-de-decoration.html

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