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Special diy easter for young and old !
Posted by  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Comments
Special diy easter for young and old !

To celebrate Easter and amaze young and old, the editorial 'decline offers Easter decoration way!
Follow our tutorials and our decorating ideas to impress your guests on the occasion of Easter.

Are fabricating an Easter wreath for your front door

What better than Easter wreath to warmly welcome your guests and brighten up your home for spring ?
Use natural plant as twigs, broom, ferns, moss, straw and small flowers.
Do not forget to hang a few eggs that you have previously decorated as you wish.
With a beautiful decoration it is certain that the spring quickly knock on your door !

conducting an Easter wreath

Source : Pinterest

Create this funny Easter tree called "Osterbaum"

This is an old German custom of decorating a tree with Easter eggs.
Some houseplants are suitable very well as ficus or you can decorate it with dead branches of curly willow.

To realize the left tree you'll need :

  • a branch that you place in a vase with sand and that will support office in your tree
  • a white paint spray

You can hang on your tree or chocolate eggs or eggs that you have previously washed and drained with a needle.
To carry out this step, just enough for you to break through the top (small hole) and underside (big hole), inspire and relax !
Once decorated eggs, fold a pretty ribbon in half and insert it into the egg using a wire. Tie a knot on top of the egg and voila !

DIY achieving Easter tree

Source : Pinterest

Beautifully decorate your Easter eggs

To achieve this colorful decoration cover the entire surface of your glue eggs and roll in colorful sugar sprinkles for cakes.
This egg looks like both a delicacy that is devouring gaze !

DIY Easter egg decorated with sugar vermicelli cake

Source : studiodiy

And if you use masking tape to decorate your Easter eggs ?
Cut very thin fluorescent strips and glue them randomly around the egg.
You will get an egg at once original and very graphic !

DIY Easter egg decorated with thin strips of masking tape

Source :miss honey bird

If this realization makes you soft eggs ... sorry gentle eyes !!! Arm yourself with masking tape, paint and follow the guide !

Step 1: paste more or less fine strips of masking tape
Step 2: dip your eggs in a paint bath
Step 3: Remove the tape

DIY Easter egg in pastel colors decorated with masking tape and paint

Source : chocolate savings

Must do with your kids:
- Fill your damp cotton empty egg shells
- Sprinkle the cress seeds
- Draw a mustache, nose, ears and eyes felt or paste just the eyes.
- Wait a few days that hair grow and have fun doing their hairstyles !
Are they not our cute little guys ?

DIY Easter egg in grass guy

Source : Pinterest

These funny eggs are very simple to make, simply by painting a white and the other black.
Once the paint dries well, stick fusible rhinestones regularly.
A real goldsmith work for a result at the top !

DIY Easter egg decorated with paint and iron-on rhinestone

Source : chocolate savings

Mini pots to hold your small flower arrangements

Use empty egg shells to drop small bouquets of flowers beautifully decorate your Easter table.
For your floral composition takes as long as possible, place the bottom of the shells of small foam pieces waterlogged.
This idea will certainly feel with your guests and bring a fresh touch to your decor.

DIY eggshell with a bouquet of flowers

Source : Pinterest

Bring spring to your table

Yellow, green, flowers, eggs and even rabbits invite themselves to your table to create a fresh and spring atmosphere.
As a runner think the way synthetic grass picnic on the grass !
To complete the decoration put a few decorative items from here and there to remind the Easter theme.
Prepare the most beautiful tables and enjoy your guests !

 decorating an Easter table

Source : Pinterest

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