This baroque armchair for child in...
Our website is fully encrypted by the TLS security protocol (small padlock at the top left of your browser's search bar).
In addition we have added various devices that prevent any hacker intrusion attempt that would leave access to confidential personal data of our customers.
You can choose the payment method that is most suitable to your needs.
Your order will be confirmed when payment in full is made.
Electronic transactions are secured with SSL encryption by our partner Paypal.
Please note: -> Our bank does not accept other card companies for example: American Express, JCB, UnionPay...
You can pay with your Paypal account or with your credit card.
You can pay with your credit card thru Paypal, it's easy, fast and secured.
You do not have to give your information and anti-fraud controls are without interruptions.
If you choose this payment method, validating this method of payment at the end of the order process, you must fill in the information we give you, with your bank so that it can make the transfer.
We do not offer "promo codes", "discount coupons", vouchers etc... Only customers who have made a purchase with us and have a credit can use a code which will be deducted from their order.
For your financial security and the security of your personal data, do not go to websites that offer you this type of code with premium rate calls or any other way to try to obtain it because they are scams. We do not offer any, so be careful.