


Because the history of furniture is what makes the essence of our business

Since 2007, we offer a range of products furniture of a character, a refined decoration, glassware and exceptional objects, cradled by the influences that characterize the French art of living from time to time (Napoléon III, Baroque, Empire...).

Our collections are designed by the founder of Royal Art Palace which grew up in an environment of antiques, brushmakers, craftsmen and merchants specialized in the 18th century.From now on, he's got a taste of the day and modernize old furniture with passion, constantly proposing new ranges to offer you the greatest possible field of inspiration with artisanal quality.


Your desires, your colors

The goal of our brand is to allow you to reinventing and adapting our articles to your own style.

Home Royal Art Palace, we are committed to offering you products that have a soul and look like you.

So we offer you a wide choice of options such as colours, skates, choice of fabrics.

Products presented on the website are either available in direct purchase, made on command to allow you a greater freedom of creation.

We invite you to share your decoration projects as we study each request with the utmost attention.

contact us

The one is a dream that must be accessible

So that this approach, real engine of conviction of Royal Art Palace, or truth, everything is concentrated around the manufacture of the furnishing offer.

The goals we set ourselves are:

  • - Designing highly qualitative furniture, based on a selection of noble materials (wood essences, bronze, marble, leather, crystal...) and refined.
  • - Conserve and cultivate one traditional know-how and craftsmanship by making use of specific professions (ebéists, tanneries, ferronniers, glass blower, marbriers...)
  • - Proposer un fair and accessible prices for a customizable product offer

To do this, buyers of Royal Art Palace regularly visit many craftsmen in Europe and around the world to select the best.Each piece of furniture is the subject of a rigorous study according to its specifications (materials, design, ...), so that these unique and timeless objects remain of high quality and accessible to all.




We have one team dedicated to professionals if you are: interior architect, decorator, hotel, hairdresser, shop..., we are available and listen to you to advise you at best while respecting the requirements of your specifications.

We offer you a range of furniture from our catalog in which each product is customizable in order to stick to the identity of your company, to your brand image.

» Our references

» Our customers


Our eco-friendly commitments

We soon understood that the impact of a company on nature was not negligible.That it was our duty to minimize it because it is the future of our planet.Moreover, this philosophy allows us to achieve significant savings, why deprive ourselves of it?

Our company needs materials to pack and ship its packages.

These materials are generally considered "disposable", because they are only used for transport and therefore are pollutants because they need energy to be transformed again and give them a life.

Home Royal Art Palace we made eco-responsible commitments.

We use them recycling and recycling materials.

For example, we have agreements with local partners which give us graciously their packagings that we reuse to make our packages, our palettes...

This in order to reduce the conventional chain of recycling of materials to be recycled, the risks of landfill (accidental or non-accidental), deposit in nature, fossil energy spending for transport and processing.

We therefore give a second life to the materials while preserving nature.

To preserve our energy spending, these are controlled so that we do not let material work "in the vacuum" out of the hours of use.

This is our commitment to the future!

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