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Dare the spirit of cabinet of curiosities
Posted by  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2015    0 Comments
Dare the spirit of cabinet of curiosities

Having its own museum at home, this is possible thanks to cabinet of curiosities.
But what is a cabinet of curiosities?
Be curious and follow the guide !

From the Renaissance to the present day...

Cabinet of curiosities have emerged in Europe during the Renaissance.
They designate a place where were stored exposed and objects collected with a taste for hétéroclisme and unpublished.
It found antiques, medals, natural history items (stuffed animals, insects, shellfish, seagrass ...).
Disappeared during the nineteenth century, they are considered today as the museum ancestors.

Scene photo with all the universe represented SEA / LAND / AIR / PRODUCTION OF MAN

And if you compose your own cabinet of curiosities ?

You are caught by an irresistible urge to compose presto your curio cabinet, but you do not know how to do it, follow step our design tips !

Where to find unusual objects ?

If you do not already have your own collection of strange and unusual objects, your family attic necessarily full of small treasures.
And if you have the soul of a bargain hunter (or a bargain hunter), do not hesitate to go for a ride flea or in flea markets near you.
Be aware that a cabinet of curiosities is built over time and it is unnecessary to spend much money.

scene objects and curiosities cabinets

Select your finest pieces

Even if one defines the curio cabinet as a summary of the world take place objects on earth, the seas and the air with more human productions, nothing prevents you to favor a universe over another.
Eg prefer these beautiful butterflies in part or under glass, the great coral hedgehog or what deer hunting trophy.
Try to respect a certain homogeneity to visually align your objects between them.
Encourage your guests with astonishment, surprise, CURIOSITY !

banner objects and curio cabinets

Create a curiosities cabinet that suits you

Showcase your finest collections in a corner of your living room or book an entire room to this new passion.
You can also use only a section of wall.
In the end, you do not need a lot of room to invent this small corner of your own.
Depending on the space to be occupied by your curio cabinet, gather your treasures and put them on a shelf value on the set dresser, in a window or on a console.
And especially working presentation.
Imagine a real stage and play different light to create an effect of light and a cozy atmosphere.
For this you prefer dark colors on your walls such as gray, black, purple or blue oil. These dark colors have the advantage of highlighting the bright objects.
Finally, playing the accumulation and repetition of objects with excess.
Do not be afraid to overload, the combination of these two technologies reinforces the idea collection of unique, exceptional.
The curio cabinet is a true bias in the decor and then dare unleash your desires !

photo shot objects and cabinet of curiosities

1- Corail mounted on wooden pedestal 134,90€ ; 2- True Horn of Suede for wall decoration 89,00€ ; 3- Decorative frame with Scorpion "heterometrus spinifer" 105,90€ ; 4- Large frame with seashell and coral 69,00€ ; 5- Red Butterflies presented in glass globe 264,00€

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