Break the code and try mixing styles
Posted by  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Comments
Break the code and try mixing styles

Now your home does not have to choose sides between ancient and modern because the mixture of styles is not only allowed, but also very trendy!

Warning: create a multi-universe style does not mean creating a decorative bric-a-brac.
It must be finely tuned to allow you to customize your decorating boldly and without missteps.

Create contrast but playing the subtlety

To perfectly perfect mix of styles, you have subtly marry your furniture.
While the former combines perfectly with the contemporary design with vintage, some furniture will never go together.

You should therefore avoid too shocking contrasts that will draw the eye and will not be elegant.
Also do not let win by the disparate or too anecdotal objects crowding.
Once these respected basic rules, let speak your desires and play on the counter lines.

If you adopt the very sleek industrial style into your living room, do not hesitate to break this dominant harmony by adding furniture to the warmest curves like a leather club chair with welcoming curves.
This visually harmonious contrast will give a unique style to your room without oppressing decoration.

Feel free to mix and warm colors and cool colors and materials such as metal and wood or leather and stone.

seat tube design in stainless steel with cowhide Royal Art Palace

Find a unity between the different styles

If the mixture of styles adds multiple furniture of different inspirations, it is nevertheless necessary that all your furniture follow a guideline that unites them.
This link between the different styles can reside in the materials, lines or colors.
All styles can form beautiful couples, all is, "assay" for not going overboard.
Thus, you can easily add some vintage decorative elements in antique flea market in a modern style.
This will bring a touch of originality to your home without error of taste. The objective is indeed to avoid the effect of "garage sale"!

It is therefore very important that your design is reflected and that every piece of furniture is in place for a reason.
The trick is to step back from the affected part and observe if all seems harmonious.

Louis XV style sofa white cloth and patinated gilt wood and wooden sun mirror and stucco Royal Art Palace

Check balance lines and proportions

Compliance with the lines and proportions is imperative to maintain overall consistency and rendering pleasant and mastered.
If your furniture mostly have straight lines as is the case with industrial style furniture, break that harmony with sofa and curvaceous lines for example.
Avoid pushing a cabinet of appalling proportions relative to the rest of the furniture at the risk of creating an unsightly effect.
Also, do not switch element having a very different pitch and keep a unit size for not getting too shocking shift.
Also make sure that the dimensions of your furniture make sense in relation to room dimensions.
A large couch in a small room completely crush the piece as an undersized furniture in a large space dévalorisera the room.
When fair proportions have been found, it will be easier to break the codes and mix styles without dissonance.

great Napoleon III style chandelier with cherubs and 6 transparent tulips

Do you dare to break the codes and mix styles ?

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