Focus on the glass bells
Posted by  Magali Royal Art Palace   b Europe/Paris, 2025     Archives 2016    0 Comments
Focus on the glass bells

Under this transparent accessory, your prettiest objects or your treasures will be staged, transforming the mundane into original.
Nothing more natural since they have the power to sublimate all that they are home.

What items can be put under glass ?

Almost everything!

The possibilities are endless and any object becomes a decorative element in a bell.
Stage your favorite trinkets, create your own composition, keep your memories, divert objects from their initial use, present your most beautiful pastries ...
In short indulge and give free rein to your imagination !

glass bells with macaroons

Source Pinterest

Another plus: you can change your home according to your desires.
You simply change the content and recreate a gentle atmosphere, delicate, poetic, bucolic or pastoral, playful or even eccentric.
presentation of different compositions under glass

Source Pinterest

An object steeped in history

In Europe, we must go back to the nineteenth century to find the bell, as we know, was formerly the "wedding globe."
Its main purpose was to protect the wreath of the bride on her wedding day as to freeze forever the memory of this important day in the life of a woman.
Over the years, it is garnished with artifacts and memorabilia telling the story of the couple's life.
Placed prominently in a room of the house, the globe wedding was the most precious thing that the couple owned.
This item could have fallen into oblivion but the decor of today has given it a place of choice by allowing him to fly without complex the show from all those things we hold so dear.

old wedding globes

Source Pinterest

It's amazing all that can be put under a glass bell !

board products royal art palace glass bells

And you, what will you put under glass bell ?

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