Coat rack, for towel or for cloth,...
Contemporary 3d painting "Plasticity - Chromic Study" made with sculpted and pinned acrylic slats - 80 x 80. Contemporary 3d painting "Plasticity...
Contemporary rectangular print "De Bouche-à-Oreille" - 131 x 90. Contemporary rectangular print "De...
Contemporary rectangular print "Conciliabule" - 129 x 90. Contemporary rectangular print...
Contemporary rectangular painting with black stratigraphy - "Opus 4" paper, mastic powder on MDF support and framed - 150 x 50. Contemporary rectangular painting...
Contemporary rectangular painting with black stratigraphy - "Opus 3" paper, mastic powder on MDF support and framed - 150 x 50. Contemporary rectangular painting...
Contemporary painting ractangualr with white stratigraphy - "Opus 4" paper, mastic powder on MDF support and framed - 150 x 50. Contemporary painting ractangualr...
Contemporary rectangular painting with white stratigraphy - "Opus 3" paper, mastic powder on MDF support and framed - 150 x 50. Contemporary rectangular painting...
Contemporary rectangular painting "Worry" pins on canvas and framed - 82 x 66. Contemporary rectangular painting...
Contemporary rectangular painting "Wave to the Soul - Grand Opus" acrylic painting, oil, glue and framed on canvas - 201.5 x 128.5. Contemporary rectangular painting...
Contemporary rectangular painting "Wave to the Soul - Demi Opus" acrylic paint, oil, glue and framed on canvas - 121 x 91.5. Contemporary rectangular painting...
Contemporary rectangular painting "Wave to the Soul - Demi Opus 2" acrylic paint, oil, glue and framed on canvas - 151.5 x 101. Contemporary rectangular painting...
Contemporary rectangular painting "Wave to the Soul - Demi Opus1" acrylic paint, oil, glue and framed on canvas - 161,5 x 121,5. Contemporary rectangular painting...