The design of this contemporary...
Sumptuous sculpture finely made and patinated representing a female face "Diane Chasseresse". Sumptuous sculpture finely made and...
Fabulous sculpture beautifully made and patinated representative "Caesar" Roman antique era presented on a sandstone stand. Fabulous sculpture beautifully made...
Sumptuous sculpture finely made and patinated representing the torso of Apollo in dark color. Sumptuous sculpture finely made and...
Superb reproduction of a sculpture of "Balbal" medium hand carved sand stone model that will be an ideal piece to add to your collection. Superb reproduction of a sculpture of...
Superb reproduction of a sculpture of "Balbal" large hand carved stone model that will be an ideal piece to add to your collection. Superb reproduction of a sculpture of...
Reissue of Cypriot hand-carved sandstone stele presented on a matte black metal base. Symbol of Devotion and Healing. Reissue of Cypriot hand-carved...
Fabulous reproduction made of sandstone with a dome mounted on 18th century pedestal. Fabulous reproduction made of...
Bas-Relief "In the Seraphin" hand sculpted sand stone presented on a matt black metal base museum way. Bas-Relief "In the Seraphin" hand...
Reissue of an original Olmèque hand amulet (Maya and Aztec mother culture" hand carved sandstone, symbol of creative power. Reissue of an original Olmèque hand...
Reissue of a hand amulet of Egyptian origin in hand-carved sandstone presented on a black metal base "hand sealing symbol" Reissue of a hand amulet of Egyptian...
Fabulous 19th century style sand stone sphere of 25 cm diameter - Size L. Fabulous 19th century style sand...
Superb reproduction of a hand carved sand stone Bactriane idol that will be an ideal piece to add to your collection. Superb reproduction of a hand carved...