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Frames and framing
Frames and framing

Discover our collection of frames and frames carefully selected to bring a crazy charm to your walls. Each frame is designed to showcase your drawings, engravings, paintings, or any other artistic work you wish to exhibit. We offer a range of old style frames, inspired by elegance of the past, with craftsmanship and special attention to details ...

Discover our collection of frames and frames carefully selected to bring a crazy charm to your walls. Each frame is designed to showcase your drawings, engravings, paintings, or any other artistic work you wish to exhibit. We offer a range of old style frames, inspired by elegance of the past, with craftsmanship and special attention to details that will make each frame a centerpiece of your decoration.

Quality Materials and Authentic Details

Our frames are made from various noble materials, such as paper chewed and wood, with mouldings in stucco (plaster moulded), carefully gilded by hand. This craft technique respects ancient traditions and gives the frames an authentic, inspired look former managers which could be found in bourgeois houses or galleries of art classics.

A Framework that Sublimes Your Works

These are sophisticated frames are perfect for framework your artistic achievements and expose them in their best light. That you wish frame a painting, drawing, or engraving, our frames bring a touch of nobility and refinement to your creations. The gold by hand, realized according to ancestral craft techniques, enhances the beauty of each frame and highlights the works they contain, creating a dazzling artistic presentation.

Classic and Elegant Styles for All Tastes

Our range of antique style frames is designed to fit different types of decoration, be it interiors classic, baroque or more modern. The golden finishes, patinatedor lacquered from our executives recall the'spirit of old executives, while harmoniously integrating into a contemporary interior for a successful mix of styles.

Bring an Artistic and Unique Note to Your Walls

Our frames will adorn your walls with elegance and will offer your artistic achievements a value added who will sublimate their aesthetic. They are perfect for passionate of art decoration lovers or simply those who seek to add a distinction key to their interior spaces. Hold them proudly and leave the beauty of the frame and its content attract all eyes.

To discover the complete collection of frames and frames, and find the one who best agrees with your work and your interior.


Frames and framing 

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Showing 1 - 12 of 22 items
Showing 1 - 12 of 22 items